Ariel is still trying to get well enough to have her serious heartworm infestation treated. The treatment can be fatal, so she needs to be as strong as possible before facing it. (My beagle, Bennie, was treated for heartworms after I rescued her and nearly died from the treatment even after waiting several months for her to be strong enough for the treatment.)
Ariel's total vet bills to date are $4,685.45. The volunteer-run rescue group has raised $620 from donations so far, but needs help in raising the remaining funds.
Please consider helping if you can. This momma and her babies were rescued from sure death. They all deserve the best shot at a long, happy, healthy life. Please give if you can!
Read more about Ariel & track the fundraising progress at http://www.tailsofcourage.org.
You can also read the news coverage of Ariel's story here: Animal groups come to aid of pregnant Rottweiler